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Protectier manager windows download.ProtecTIER Manager

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In releases following IBM i 7. Hence 5, storage elements was restrictive Once the max was reached, a new tape library, tape library partition or VTL was needed This restriction is lifted by the following July IBM i PTFs that increase the max library size to 15, storage elements: IBM i 6. VMWare Workstation Installation. Chapter 12 - Backup and Disaster Recovery1 Ch. All rights reserved. Virtual Machines Module 2. Objectives Define virtual machine Define common terminology Identify advantages and disadvantages Determine what software is.

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Figure 3. The TS Appliance system is a stand-alone configuration with one node , and up to two expansion units. It uses one server to transfer data from the backup server to the TS internal storage. There are no physical cartridges. Figure 4 shows the solution environment. Figure 4. One system is used as a primary site and the second system is used as a disaster recovery site.

Table 1. The software PTC must be ordered separately. The software enables a user to back up, restore, archive, and retrieve data from a hierarchy of data storage areas. The storage areas, known as pools, can be a hierarchy of disk, optical, and tape-based media.

No additional hardware is required. For additional capacity upgrades, up to two EXP expansion units can be added. On the next page, narrow your search results by geography and language. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries.

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